Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.

“Mommy, I sad.”

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This was what I heard from the backseat of our car while pulling away from my brothers house on New Year’s Eve.

“Grant, fun.”

“(Pa)tricia, fun.”

And then, because he is two,

“TV, fun.”

But while I was in awe that my little bruiser could identify his emotions so well and that he was perceptive enough to realize that when we pulled away from that house it would probably be a very long time before we saw Grant and Patricia again.

I also realized that in order to be sad, it also meant things had to be pretty good.

And it was.


All the fam was together for a good three days.

And it was an awesome reminder of how blessed we are to have such an amazing family.

People that love us despite our many flaws, encourage us in our endeavors, and help us when we need it most.


So while my little one was expressing his current onset of sadness.


For several minutes.

Without reprieve.

Over and over and over again.

I drove into the New Year thankful.


And then I shoved a TV screen in front of him to safe guard my sanity.

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