Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.

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Dear God, I can’t find my Sperry’s


I have seriously looked everywhere.

From the dryer to under my covers.

I checked every toy box,

every cushion,

and under all the clean clothes piled on the laundry room floor.

They are gone.

I even called Isaac at work to ask if he may have taken them the other day when he was here.


apparently 6 foot 3 Isaac has very little use for my shoes.

So what did I do,

I called my mom and I prayed.

But it got me thinking, does God care about my lost Sperry’s?

It’s hard to say,

clearly my mental health is linked to these shoes.

These are my only non-work shoes,

and I like them.

For one day this week I wanted to leave the house and look like a semi-normal person.

And truth be told there is very little that doesn’t make me look fat right now other than shoes and head bands.

My self-esteem is riding on these Sperry’s

But,  although this is important to me,

it is still a little bit of a first-world-problem.

Okay, it is completely a first-world-problem.

People have way bigger issues than my lost pair of shoes.

So does God care?

I’m not sure to be honest.

I know he cares about me, and I guess that is the important thing.

But my Sperry’s,

I can’t believe I can’t find my Sperry’s.


The show is officially over.

looking out the window


The last two days Linc and I have spent what seems like several hours staring out the window watching all the stuck cars in the street in front of our house.

It was better than t.v.

Way better.

We laughed.

We cheered.

And we even did a little booing.

It was entertainment at its best.

And now it is over.


My Valentine Babies


Top 10 Things I LOVE About My Boys:

1. They make life fun.

2. Lincoln’s dimples.

3. Bowen’s big ‘ol lips.

4. The fact that Linc would rather watch basketball than cartoons.

5. Bo’s ability to already sleep 5 hours straight.

6. All the sloppy kisses I get every week.

7. Every high-five, cheer, and hug I receive just for being their mom.

8. Morning cuddle time.

9. Late night giggles.

10. And all the little moments I can’t put into words.  The privilege of raising two beautiful babies is more than I deserve and I thank God for them every day.



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First Sewing Project

Well after several months with a brand new sewing machine sitting in a box in my garage…

I opened it up,

I read the directions,

I got it to work,

I made some bean bags with my little side-kick,

and then we played.








I can’t wait to start making some of the cute sewing projects that I have seen in Pinterest.


We will miss you Uncle Mike

Mike is gone.  He left this morning for Arizona Sate University.

He will be greatly missed.  I am really glad that I had already left this morning so that I did not have to see Mike say goodbye to Linc.

I surely would have cried.

It has been a day or two since my last post and life has been crazy.

A few updates:

Field day was yesterday and is officially over, thank goodness.  It was a lot of work but turned out really well.

I had my first Mother’s Day.  Originally I thought this may be kind of a bitter sweet day for me.  Sweet because I have a sweet baby boy that I adore but bitter because when you have a child so young isn’t your spouse really the one who honors you on this day?  Well…Lincoln’s dad did try to make this day really special for me which was super nice.  And…my brother (Uncle Mike) also was really sweet and even got me a gift (Linc is actually wearing my mother’s day gift in the above photos:).  Plus, I was able to watch all my favorite reality shows for four hours straight Sunday night and the boys had to watch them with me!!!  Glorious.

I started my first graduate class on Monday and paid for it.  As if doing school work again for the first time in 10 years isn’t bad enough, watching nearly a thousand dollars drain out of my bank account for a mere 3 credit hours was devastating.

I close on my house next Monday.  I spent an hour transferring all of my utilities today…it is finally starting to feel real.

Kato is settling into his new surroundings.  He is awesome with Lincoln and is just a really great dog.  I think I got really lucky with this one.

That is about it.  I think it is time to do some homework.  Linc is down for the night and the house is as picked up as it is going to get.  I am going to sit down with some fresh baked cookies, turn on some prime time, and write a two page paper.

Ahhh…so relaxing 🙂



Watermelon and Sweet Potato Fingers

On my search to keep feeding my little Linc healthy nutritious food I tried something new tonight, watermelon and sweet potato fingers.

I read a blog every now and then called Mama.Papa.Bubba, and this women feeds her daughter so well I have a tendency not to like her.

Just kidding.

But I am extremely jealous.  If I fed Lincoln half that well I would be pretty proud of myself.

Anyways, I was inspired by the “watermelon sticks” she fed her daughter.  I don’t know why I never thought of watermelon, but what a great idea.  I also bought a few sweet potatoes (cheap and Linc loves them) and thought I could make those fingers too!


Linc loved it.  It was something new.  And this is one more day where I can feel proud of myself as a mom.

And all I did was feed him a dinner other than easy mac 🙂


How to make baby food for the busy, cheap, or just plain lazy.

Let’s face it, I don’t have any time and I have even less money.

I always thought moms who made their own baby food were fanatical, crazy healthy, and didn’t have anything better to do than waste their time doing something someone has already done for them.

I apologize.

Not that I don’t think the above applies to some, but certainly not all.

When Linc was sixth months old, I ran out of food.  It was about 8:30 at night and I had just come home from conferences or some other event that took all night and the little squirt was hungry.

And the cupboards were empty.

This is when I learned that making baby food was not only super easy but I also eventually realized it was much MUCH cheaper too.

This is my recipe to easy baby food for the busy, cheap, or just plan lazy.

  1. Buy a large bag of frozen vegis from Costco or if you don’t belong to Costco, Walmart has bags of vegis for about 88 cents that work just as well.
  2. Buy  Ziploc Zip-n-Steam bags or buy the off brand.  If you are going for cheap defiantly the off brand
  3. Place your bag of vegis in one of the bags and follow the cooking directions
  4. Nuke it
  5. Take it out and put it into a blender or bullet (you DO NOT need a fancy baby food blender or baby food bullet, they all work).  If you are looking for super quick I would go for a bullet (much easier to clean).  I have one my mom gave me that she never used and I just keep it on my counter.  Love it.
  6. Blend
  7. Feed and Store (freeze well for two weeks)

Depending on how full you filled your bag you will have enough food for a day or two.  And it only takes about 7 minutes!!!


I also do this same exact thing with bags of frozen fruit (super cheap at Costco).  The only difference is that I don’t steam them I just let the fruit thaw or even blend it frozen.

So easy, and so so cheap.

Take it from me, I am not an over achiever.  This is not difficult and it saves me tons of money.  Plus I know that my kid is getting healthy non-processed foods.

I feel so vindicated.


Weekend To-Do List

  • Clean my disaster of living room
  • Clean the disgusting bathroom
  • Dust
  • Do the dishes
  • Go through my extreme tower of mail from the week and pay my bills
  • Do the 3 HUGE piles of laundry from the last two weeks (that is right mom, if you are keeping track, no laundry has been done in this house since you left)
  • Clean out the Gerber Vanilla Stars that spilled into my purse/diaper bag* a week and a half ago
  • Make a grocery store list
  • Go to Costco and see if I can find anything on said list for cheap
  • Go to Walmart Market for the rest
  • Put away groceries (I loathe this)
  • Fold laundry (also loathe)
  • Put laundry away (lets be real this will not happen, and the clothes will remain folded on the love seat for a week before I get sick of it and actually walk them a room away to put them into drawers)
  • Make baby food for the week (a little ambitious considering I have been pretty lazy about this lately)
  • Drive to the gym and cancel my membership because I just bought a treadmill (yay!)
  • Touch base with friends in some way shape or form (probably lunch or something)
  • Find a few minutes for myself (check, this is it)
  • Do all this while keeping a baby happy, healthy, entertained, well fed, and napped

Welcome to the weekend…

Whoever said this was time off was crazy.



At least someone is getting some rest…(my brother’s dog, Dragonlips)



Next time…

There are many things I was told to buy for a newborn that I never used.  However, there is one thing that I wish I would have had that I didn’t.  It wasn’t on the list of must-haves that I certainly could have lived without, ahem- the Boppy.  And no experienced mother informed me how convenient it would have been to have one of these.

I wish I had a nursing cover.

I had no intention going into this nursing in public.  It was not a desire of mine to whip out a tit and feed a crying baby because “by golly, I’m a mom now and you all need to deal with it.”


But when it came down to real life, a kids gotta eat.

And it was my job to feed him.

I am not a stay at home momma, by day two Lincoln was out and about.  The thing is, I had no idea how often those little bundles of joy would want to eat, and I wish someone would have told me.

I cannot tell you how many awkward moments I had trying to cover myself up with a friends sweatshirt or a clothe diaper/burp clothe.


So, if you are planning on nursing.  Please, for the sake of modesty, sanity, and your own public embarrassment, buy a nursing cover.

And skip the stupid Boppy…just saying.