Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.

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My dad dresses me funny and a few other things about today.

funny dressed toddler


We had another snow day today.

Woot woot.

So much for going back to work.

We actually lost power so Isaac came to help dig us out in case we needed to seek shelter in a hotel.

While we were waiting to see if the power would come back on we ventured out to McDonald’s which was actually open.

We had some snacks, charged our electronics, and played in the play place.


I think Isaac had more fun on the play equipment than Linc.

adult in play place

And I couldn’t let them have all the fun.

mcdonalds play place

Fortunately the power came back on just in time.

Mom made us some meat loaf, which is like crack in a pan.

We ate and had a swell ol’ night.

And we get to do it all again (hopefully without the power outage),

Because school is cancelled tomorrow too 🙂



The show is officially over.

looking out the window


The last two days Linc and I have spent what seems like several hours staring out the window watching all the stuck cars in the street in front of our house.

It was better than t.v.

Way better.

We laughed.

We cheered.

And we even did a little booing.

It was entertainment at its best.

And now it is over.


What we did…

We survived the snow day,

and it was mostly fun 🙂


We played in the snow,

boy snow


played with leggos,


climbed on all the table and chairs,

toddler climbing

fell off all the table and chairs (hard too, the little dare devil even drew blood today),

played in the sink (we put in food coloring, some soap, and a bunch of toys- so fun!),




toddler sink play

had fun with pipe cleaners,


toddler pipe cleaners

and magnets,

toddler magnets

dad stopped for a visit,

dad and newborn

shot some hoops,

burnt everything we tried to cook (spaghetti sauce, cookies, cinnamon rolls, pancakes),


ate a lot of burnt stuff,


had a photo shoot,

played cards,

cards, skip-bo

and that is about it.


Time for bed.