Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.

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Life fail #1.8 billion or so.

I slept through my massage.

Not after I got there.

But on the couch.

After the dentist I laid my head down on sofa for just a few minutes…

4 hours later I awoke to some salesman at my door.

I missed.

My glorious indulgence.

And I spent it asleep in my living room.

Total life fail.

I am so sad.

And my back still hurts…stressed induced, when I am stressing I almost get these horrible neck/back/shoulder type cramps that give me pretty bad headaches.

Meh, I guess I needed the sleep.

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Hello summer.


It’s official.

Today is the first day of summer break.


I paid for daycare this week, so the kids are going.

And I somehow managed to schedule everything possible that I need to do without children into the next jam-packed two days.

We are talking dentist, eye doctor, massage (completely necessary and I got a really good Groupon), and various other random errands and appointments.

I am pumped.

This summer is going to be a time to refresh, distress, get myself back in shape, and spend some quality time with my babies.

So ecstatic.


Getting back to health.

I am going to take this summer to regain my health.

Emotional, physical, and everywhere in between.

I feel like lately I have been surviving, not living.

Just getting through everyday, and sure, there are moments that I deeply enjoy (my boys bring me this joy), but I feel like everyday is stress.

Racing around, figuring things out.

Where is the money going to come from?

When do I need to pick up the kids?

What else do I need to do at work?

The kids are sick.

Is my boss upset that I am missing so many days of work?

How will I pay for daycare next week?

The credit card is maxed out.

The bank account is in the negative.

Another kid is sick.

The house is a mess.

The laundry needs folded.

And over and over and over.

There is no peace.

And whenever I do have a moment to myself instead of doing something productive, I sit.

I watch mindless television, feeling unmotivated and lazy.

But I am done!

Life is what it is, struggles are a part of life.

And I can either take them for what they are, overcome, and live.

Or drown in them.

So I am turning over a new leaf.

I know it sounds strange but I think it starts with taking care of what I have.

Show a little pride of ownership.

In my home, in my body, and in my life.

I need to keep my house clean, keep up with the yard, watch what I put into my body, workout, read the Word, and engage in relationships that are positive and healthy.

I am excited about this summer.

I am excited to be healthy again.

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What I Read: The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick


the silver linings playbook

I loved this book.

{I also enjoyed the movie, although they were completely different}

This is a story about a man struggling with mental illness.  An event, unexsposed until the end of the book, has caused him to lose his memory.  He is unaware that he has missed four years of his life while being instutionalized in a mental hospital.  The book is narrated by the antagonist and follows him through his journey of healing and an odd, unexpected friendship.

Unlike any book I have read before and I would highly recommend it to anyone.