Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.


I already annoy him.


I realize that a part of being a parent is your kids finding you completely annoying and embarrassing.

I still find my parents annoying sometimes and I am in my 30’s.

But I did not realize my son would find me annoying before the age of TWO!

I was under the impression that this did not happen until at least third grade.

I thought I still had several more years of being the coolest person in his little word.

But nope.

I’m annoying.

We will be in the car and I will start dancing and I will hear from the back seat, “Noooooo.”

I will start singing a song to myself and hear from the other side of room, “Nooooo.”

Sometimes I just have to look at him and he finds it irritating, “Nooooo.”

I am shocked.

I am an amazing car dancer and my singing voice is humbly compared to that of an angel.

How could anyone possibly find me irritating?

But I am.


My one year old finds me annoying.

It is going to be a long 18 years kid, you should probably get used to this singing voice.

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Hello summer.


It’s official.

Today is the first day of summer break.


I paid for daycare this week, so the kids are going.

And I somehow managed to schedule everything possible that I need to do without children into the next jam-packed two days.

We are talking dentist, eye doctor, massage (completely necessary and I got a really good Groupon), and various other random errands and appointments.

I am pumped.

This summer is going to be a time to refresh, distress, get myself back in shape, and spend some quality time with my babies.

So ecstatic.

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Surprise! The market is back.

We had to get out of the house early to go to the bank when we noticed…

The Farmers Market is back!!!

I don’t know why I did not think about this sooner, we love the Farmers Market!

The weather was nice, the band was playing, so we parked and played.

First we went through the market getting fresh morning treats and coffee.

Then to the fountain to play!

Fortunately Linc had his swimsuit on already because we were planning on going to the pool in the afternoon.



He was a little shy at first but that didn’t last long.

In the fountain he went.

Playing in the water, making friends, and doing a little dancing.



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Bowen was having fun too.

Listening to the music and sunbathing…in the shade 🙂


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The ugly picture board.

I have been thinking about my sweet younger brother today.

It is his birthday.

So I did a nice sisterly gesture and I posted a bunch of cute pictures of him and my kids.

Such a good sister.

And after I had done this I was driving in my car thinking about it and the memory came to me of what this same brother used to do with all of my photos while growing up.

He would find, keep, and post on his bulletin board every awful picture of me he could find.

He didn’t have any frames on his walls.

No posters.


Just one bulletin board.

And all that was on it was me with 5 double chins, mouth open, gut out, angry and screaming, wind-blown, whatever.  If it was bad, he kept it.

The ugly picture board.

And I was the feature.

Arn’t brothers wonderful.


Mom, I need you.


The house has fallen apart.

It has been a few weeks since your visit.

I was pretty proud of myself for keeping this place clean for as long as I did.

But that is over now.

The tornadoes I call children have finally done too much damage.

(I had nothing to do with it I swear)

There is just stuff everywhere.

Clean laundry on the floor.

Dirty laundry on the floor.

Mail piled up.

And the toys…there are toys everywhere.

No place is safe,

Not even the toilet.

Mom, I need you.

I’m so sorry that I destroyed what you worked so hard to create.

A clean home.

I am just not as good as you.

That skill just eludes me.

I need help.

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What Linc is Reading: Quiet Loud by Leslie Patricelli


The boy loves this book.

But it is all in how it is read.

And I am incredibly obnoxious.

Each page has a LOUD noise and a quiet noise.


The key is to yell the LOUD noises as LOUD as you can.

And whisper the quiet noises so so quietly.

So much fun.

And he can’t get enough.

However, this would be a really bad choice for a bedtime book.


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His first laugh.

Photo on 4-29-13 at 8.11 PM

It happened tonight.

Bo and I just sitting on the couch.

Him pretending to eat,  and me watching Real Housewives of Orange County.

I looked down and he was smiling at me.

After the week we had, it was pretty sweet to see a smile on this boys face.

Then I did a little tickle, and out it came.

The cutest little squeal I ever did hear.

My Bo laughed.


With Linc I remembered his first smile.

I know exactly where we were and who we were with.

With Bo, I will remember his first laugh.

Just us.

After a long week.

And a boring moment on the couch.


Hospital night three.


I am over it.

We have been here much longer than I expected.

My little man has been pretty sick.

High fevers.


Severe vomiting.

Difficulty breathing.

The tests came back, all 500 of them, and apparently he has 3 different respiratory viruses.

Now the doctors and nurses have to dress up in robes and masks to even walk in our room.

It is crazy.

The good news is he is starting to do better.

Which is great because I don’t think I could watch him get poked, prodded, and stuck any more.

They lowered his IV fluids by 50% and his breathing treatments are becoming less frequent.

I am praying that we can go home tomorrow.