Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.

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2013 Toddler Bucket List *pt.1

toddler hat

Make a dirt truck play area in the yard

I have had this idea for a while but he has not really been old enough to get into it yet.  However, he has just started to take an interest in “driving” his toy cars and trucks around the house and I think this would be perfect.  In our backyard we have a few untouched flower beds that would be perfect.  The plan is to get some fresh pliable dirt, maybe mix it with a little sand, place some shovels, buckets, cars, and dump trucks out there and let him play.

Play play play!

I would probably help him build a few roads but that is it.  I think this would be a blast for him and am actually pretty excited about it.

Harlem Globe Trotters Event

Lincoln loves basketball.  I can’t think of something more perfect for him.  He would have a blast.  I think if I can I will even try to purchase some good seats so that we can be right in the action.

Go to the Aquarium

We go to this restaurant every now and then called Cheddar’s.  Cheddar’s has a large fish tank in the waiting area and Lincoln is obsessed.  I know that he will be absolutely fascinated by the aquarium but it is a little expensive.  That won’t stop us but we will have to plan for it and make sure we can spend a long glorious day there soaking up every bit.


These are just a few things that I want to do with my little man, there are so many more 🙂


What we did…

We survived the snow day,

and it was mostly fun 🙂


We played in the snow,

boy snow


played with leggos,


climbed on all the table and chairs,

toddler climbing

fell off all the table and chairs (hard too, the little dare devil even drew blood today),

played in the sink (we put in food coloring, some soap, and a bunch of toys- so fun!),




toddler sink play

had fun with pipe cleaners,


toddler pipe cleaners

and magnets,

toddler magnets

dad stopped for a visit,

dad and newborn

shot some hoops,

burnt everything we tried to cook (spaghetti sauce, cookies, cinnamon rolls, pancakes),


ate a lot of burnt stuff,


had a photo shoot,

played cards,

cards, skip-bo

and that is about it.


Time for bed.

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First Sewing Project

Well after several months with a brand new sewing machine sitting in a box in my garage…

I opened it up,

I read the directions,

I got it to work,

I made some bean bags with my little side-kick,

and then we played.








I can’t wait to start making some of the cute sewing projects that I have seen in Pinterest.

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PE Toddler Play for the Home #3

For those of you who don’t know, I am a PE teacher at the elementary level.  Every now and then I like to give a few activities that can be done in the home to help keep your toddlers busy and moving.

Clothes Pin Tag:

This is a great game for 3 or more people and all you need are standard basic clothes pins.  If you don’t have any of these lying around you can find them at any dollar store.

Each person starts out with 3 clothes pins pinned to their shoulder.  If you are playing with your kiddos you may want to attach your clothes pins to some place lower so that the kids can reach them.  When the game begins everyone runs around trying to steal another persons clothes pins.  If you do steal a clothes pin you kneel down on the ground and place that extra clothes pin on your shoulder next to the others.  Once you have finished attaching the clothes pin stand up and re-enter the game.  After 3 minutes the person with the most clothes pins wins!  Then play again!

– You can only steal one clothes pin at a time.

– You may not “block” your clothes pin, so if someone gets it you may not stop them from taking it.

– There are no time-outs.

– If someone is kneeling to put on a clothes pin you may not steal from them at that time.

***This is a great game for incorporating fine motor skills.  Attaching a clothes pin may be tricky but that is all part of the learning process.