Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.

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Phys. Ed at Home: Dance Dance Dance

toddler dancing

I teach elementary PE and this week we started our rhythms and dance unit.

This is one of my favorite units.  The Kindergartener’s love it and the fifth graders pretend they don’t but they actually do.

It is great.

But this year my little toddler is old enough to do some of these dances with me.

Here are a few that you can do at home with your young ones.  A few you may know and a few may be knew.

But kiddos love to dance.  Turn on that music and get some exercise in this snow!

Tony Chestnut

This song is great for toddler to about 3rd grade.  There is a motion for every word in the song and the song continues to get faster and faster.  I even did this with my middle school track kids just to be silly.  This is one of my favorites.

Cupid Shuffle

This one is easy and can be used for all ages.  I know that they do this dance now at Chuck-e-Cheese and the skating rink so it is pretty popular.  I couldn’t find a great video (it is actually the chuck-e-cheese one) to show you but the dance is four basic steps.  4 side slides right and then 4 left, 4 kicks, and then walk-it-by-yourself which is like a twist.

Gangnam Style PE Version

It is always awesome when other PE teachers do something awesome and they share it with the rest of us.  This is a great video of Gangnam Style that kids can do in class and at home for a good workout.  The kids love doing songs to new music and there isn’t a dance song much newer than this 🙂

A few others that are fun to do with your kids that you probably already know the steps to are The Twist, Macarena, and the Chicken Dance.

We do many more that I will post another day but these should get you started.

I have had fun all week with these and Lincoln has had fun trying them when I got home.

Have fun!

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PE Toddler Play for the Home #3

For those of you who don’t know, I am a PE teacher at the elementary level.  Every now and then I like to give a few activities that can be done in the home to help keep your toddlers busy and moving.

Clothes Pin Tag:

This is a great game for 3 or more people and all you need are standard basic clothes pins.  If you don’t have any of these lying around you can find them at any dollar store.

Each person starts out with 3 clothes pins pinned to their shoulder.  If you are playing with your kiddos you may want to attach your clothes pins to some place lower so that the kids can reach them.  When the game begins everyone runs around trying to steal another persons clothes pins.  If you do steal a clothes pin you kneel down on the ground and place that extra clothes pin on your shoulder next to the others.  Once you have finished attaching the clothes pin stand up and re-enter the game.  After 3 minutes the person with the most clothes pins wins!  Then play again!

– You can only steal one clothes pin at a time.

– You may not “block” your clothes pin, so if someone gets it you may not stop them from taking it.

– There are no time-outs.

– If someone is kneeling to put on a clothes pin you may not steal from them at that time.

***This is a great game for incorporating fine motor skills.  Attaching a clothes pin may be tricky but that is all part of the learning process.


PE Toddler Play for the Home #2

ABC Push-Ups

This is a great way for kids to learn their ABC’s while getting exercise, and it is great for parents too!  Start in push-up position (this can be tricky for some kiddos at first), then raise your right arm up and out so that your body slightly twists and your hand is up in the air and say “A” lower your arm and then raise your left arm in the same way and say “B”, continue through the entire alphabet.

Too easy for your kiddos…ask them to spell words in the same way.

Too physically demanding…have your child touch opposite hand to opposite shoulder.


PE Toddler Play for the Home

I am not sure if it is common knowledge, but I am an elementary PE teacher.

My job is awesome.

And I think it has also helped and will continue to help in my role as a parent.  Many things we learn as teachers are also used to help educate parents.

As a PE teacher I have not only learned behavior skills but also several fun games that I can play with my son.  I thought it may be fun to share some of these activities with people.  I have a feeling that as Lincoln gets older it is going to become increasingly more difficult to keep him entertained and my extreme arsenal of children’s activities is going to come in very handy.

Bulldozers and Builders

Equipment/Set-up: You will need something that you can stand up.  In PE we use cones but you can really use anything.  For this example I will use books.  You will need to set up several books around your floor standing up.  Once this is done you are ready to play.

Rules:  Pick one (or a couple) people to be bulldozers and one (or a couple) to be builders.  When the game starts (I like using music to signify start and go but that is up to you) the bulldozers will run around and knock over as many books as possible while the builders try to set the books back up.  Once the song is over (if using music) the team with the most knocked down or set-up wins, then switch roles and play again 🙂

If you are worried about using books remember that you can use anything.  I only used that example because I know that it is something most people have.  You could also use coins and have bulldozers flip them.  Just be creative and have fun!!!