Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.


There is snow on the tulips and other things that irritate me.

I have a kink in my neck.

Kansas kid fit day is canceled.

My house looks like a bomb exploded in it.

Bowen just woke up.

And I have three more weeks left of not being able to pay my bills (daycare for two kids, kills me).


Now a few good things…I don’t want to be a complainer.


I know that Bowen probably woke up because he crapped himself, the boy is regular.

I only have 3 more weeks until summer.

Tomorrow I have double plan.

Only some people annoyed me today, other people were all right.

And I had time to empty the dishwasher.


Lunch Peeves {2}

The OVER talker:  This is the person who always feels the need to talk-over and interrupt everyone.  Seriously, whatever you have to say can wait until the person speaking finishes their thought.  You are rude.  Sometimes I feel the need to recommend a talking token at the lunch table.  “OK people, you have the stuffed elephant (or some other arbitrary object) so it is your turn to talk, if you don’t have the elephant than it is not your turn.” Patronizing? I think so.  Effective?  We will see.


The Bad Story Teller: If I can sum up your story in 30 seconds but it took you upwards of 20 minutes to tell that story, you are this person.  These people tell the longest most boring stories and if that is not bad enough, they often tell them more than once.  Oh…you bought a bag of apples and when you went to go eat an apple the apples were bad.  Cool, no one cares.  And you somehow managed to spend two-thirds of my lunch telling me this little gem of information.  And, as if that isn’t bad enough, I had to hear this little ditty three days in a row.  I will never get those 60 minutes of my life back.  I now hate all apples.


The One-Upper:

Me- “I went to Chicago this weekend.”

One Upper-  “Chicago, oh, I’ve been to Chicago like three times.”

Well congratulations, do they hand out medals for that?  I used to live in the Chicago for eight years of my life but failed to mention that in the conversation because it is completely irrelevant and I am pretty sure no one cares.  But you visiting Chicago three times, I suddenly find you to be very cool.  Much cooler than me.  Do you think you could honor me with your friendship so I can at least be cool by association?


The Tentative Calendar Invite: Okay, this isn’t really a lunch peeve but it needs to be mentioned.  If you get sent an Outlook calendar invite and respond with a “Tentative”, you are a B.  Because this is a CALENDAR INVITE.  Your calendar is right in front of you, you know whether or not you have plans.  When you reply with a “tentative” all that means is that you are waiting to see if something better comes up.  Rude.  Say no or say yes.  But don’t wait around for your boyfriend to let you know if he is willing to spend the evening with you before you commit to a girls night.  That is sad.  Your girlfriends don’t appreciate it, and guys find it pathetic.  Don’t put your girls on the back burner for a guy who obviously doesn’t care.  Seriously, this does nothing for you.




A Saturday morning routine.

Thank goodness it is the weekend.  I need some time to just veg, be with my son, clean the house, pay my bills, go grocery shopping, and regain my sanity so that I can keep going for another 5 days until the weekend comes again.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my job, but it is still a job.  I still have to wake up early, it can still be stressful, and it is still work!  Love it or not.  I love the weekends more.

I am already feeling slightly restored.  Linc and I slept in until about 8:00 a.m. and now we are settling into our Saturday morning routine.

Play in bed.

Feed little Linc.

Turn on the television to some home improvement show and chill while Lincoln plays on the floor.


I don’t know what it is about a home improvement show on a Saturday morning but I think I have developed an addiction.  I don’t think I could watch these shows at any other time during the week, but Saturday morning, glorious.

My favorite is Moving Up.  The premise of the show is that it follows three families as they “move up” into larger homes, the trick is they are moving into each others homes so in the end the families go back to their old home and see how the new inhabitants changed it.

Typically they hate it.

It is awesome.

So that is what I am doing right now.

By the way, Lincoln has now started pulling himself up on the coffee table, which is also cheap entertainment for me.  I love watching him try to work his way up there.

Crazy little boy.

I love watching him grow up.  At times at can be bittersweet as I miss the last stage of his life, but it is so fun to watch him learn new things it is hard to be too upset about the fact that my baby is becoming a boy.