Mom and Boys

Figuring it out one day at a time.


9 Months Today

The Life and Times at 9 Months Old: 

Is obsessed with his Uncle Mike who is certainly his favorite, although, I am a close second 🙂

Eats real people food.  Bananas are a favorite but really if he can put it into his mouth he likes it.

He crawls!

Loves other kids, especially Jacob and Jordyn.

Is scared of the garage door and bubble gum bubbles.

Is a big fan of Dragon Lips

Likes to swing.

Just started pulling himself up but still can’t quite get it.

Loves pic-a-boo, tickling, and neck kisses.

Wears a size 4 diaper.

Will not take a bottle or anything else that liquid flows out of unless it is my tit.

Is done with the onsies.

Loves music and has hour long dance parties with Uncle Mike every day.

Still wakes up around 3 or 4 every night and then sleeps with mom until morning.

Has six teeth.  Four on top, and two on bottom.

Nicknames:  Bubba, Tator Tot, Terd, Linc, Stinkin, Sir Terds A Lot, Terdlet

Favorite Toy:  The television remote

Favorite Food:  Anything he can eat with his hands


A Saturday morning routine.

Thank goodness it is the weekend.  I need some time to just veg, be with my son, clean the house, pay my bills, go grocery shopping, and regain my sanity so that I can keep going for another 5 days until the weekend comes again.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my job, but it is still a job.  I still have to wake up early, it can still be stressful, and it is still work!  Love it or not.  I love the weekends more.

I am already feeling slightly restored.  Linc and I slept in until about 8:00 a.m. and now we are settling into our Saturday morning routine.

Play in bed.

Feed little Linc.

Turn on the television to some home improvement show and chill while Lincoln plays on the floor.


I don’t know what it is about a home improvement show on a Saturday morning but I think I have developed an addiction.  I don’t think I could watch these shows at any other time during the week, but Saturday morning, glorious.

My favorite is Moving Up.  The premise of the show is that it follows three families as they “move up” into larger homes, the trick is they are moving into each others homes so in the end the families go back to their old home and see how the new inhabitants changed it.

Typically they hate it.

It is awesome.

So that is what I am doing right now.

By the way, Lincoln has now started pulling himself up on the coffee table, which is also cheap entertainment for me.  I love watching him try to work his way up there.

Crazy little boy.

I love watching him grow up.  At times at can be bittersweet as I miss the last stage of his life, but it is so fun to watch him learn new things it is hard to be too upset about the fact that my baby is becoming a boy.